Partnerships with Landowners
We have partnered with many individual landowners in Western Washington, providing them with thousands of trees at no cost. The landowners have planted the trees we gave them in old pastures, fallow fields, and other unused ground. This captures carbon, provides habitats for many species and helps build up timber resources.

Conservation District Partnerships
The Carbon Capture Foundation has partnered with numerous Conservation Districts in Western Washington to promote tree planting. These partnerships have been and continue to be extremely valuable in spreading our ability to capture carbon. The Foundation has procured over eight thousand conifer seedlings from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources specifically for our Conservation District partners free of charge. In turn, the Conservation Districts have passed the seedlings on to mostly dairy or beef farmers who then planted the seedlings on grazing land. Many of these plantings were in riparian areas. The seedlings planted help support salmon recovery and clean water, together with carbon sequestration. We look forward to continuing and expanding our relationships with Conservation Districts of all kinds.

Audubon Society Partnerships
Our Audubon Society partners are restoring the native environments birds need to thrive. We have partnered with many Audubon Society chapters, and their willingness to plant trees on behalf of our environment continues to be an inspiration.

WSU Forestry Extension
Our friends at the WSU Forestry Extension have courteously provided their expertise and knowledge as we expand our tree planting program. They have educated us and our other partners on best practices for ensuring a high survival rate. From planting windows to species selection and beyond, their expertise has elevated our ability to ensure carbon gets captures in healthy trees.

School District Partnerships
We are proud to have worked with three Western Washington school districts so far, and are looking forward to forging partnerships with more school districts as we grow. The Foundation has provided hundreds of seedlings free of charge to groups of high school students who then learned planting skills by planting the trees under the guidance of their instructors, agricultural teachers or foresters.

DNR Webster Forest Nursery
The Foundation works closely with the Webster Forest Nursery, which is run by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). So far, the Foundation has purchased over eighteen thousand Douglas fir, Western Red Cedar, and other conifers from Webster Forest Nursery alone. These trees have been provided to landowners and organizations free of charge. These seedlings are generally planted in areas that would not have otherwise been planted. By providing a readily available source of seedlings, otherwise unused land can be replanted. This both captures carbon and adds value to the land itself.

Salmon Recovery Project
The Foundation has also partnered directly with the Cowlitz County Voluntary Stewardship Program and a farming family in providing numerous riparian plants and assisting with planting, to help with a salmon recovery project in the Toutle River area. The long term goal is to restore the salmon run in Hemlock Creek, but of course the plantings will also sequester carbon.